(last update :  28/01/2003 )

& Didier Leboutte

Art Of Illusion extension : instructions to start

Stereo view of a scene

Look !!
If you download scenes on the web with only one camera, AnaBuilder automatically creates a second one, shifted on the right. To move this camera :
Note : in the list of objects, move the new camera to make it 'child' of the first one, in order to make them linked.

Stereo animation

Working view of the stereo animation :
With this script, any animation can be stereo viewed : if the scene has only one camera, a second one is automatically created.

Final rendering of the stereo animation :
With this script, the scène must have 2 cameras.

It is then possible to modify the scripts in order to adjust the time and the number of views...


Go the the Art Of Illusion site to find manuals and scene examples...